Welcome To My Blog

The purpose of this blog is to shed my personal and professional experiences on the topics of Estrogen, Menstrual Cycle Preservation & Restoration, Perimenopause, Menopause, Hormone Balancing, and Female Hormone Replacement Therapies.  

Thank you in advance for sharing my articles.

FDA Approves Veozah to Treat Hot Flashes


The FDA Approves Novel Drug to Treat Moderate to Severe Hot Flashes Caused by Menopause. This is the title of a CNN article that has several misleading components. In fact, the entire article is loaded with misleading information that contributes to the confusion millions of women experience on a daily basis when it comes to menopause.

The US Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved a new type of drug to treat hot flashes and night sweats during menopause.

The article...

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