The Cost of Hormonal Imbalance

hormonal imbalance menopause perimenopause
Menopause Hormonal Imbalance


The Cost of Hormonal Imbalance

The cost of hormonal imbalance in women is high. It affects every aspect of a woman's life right down to their inner being. It is a lonely and dark place of existence that changes how they see themselves in this world and how they feel about themselves. 

Women spend the majority of their lives in a state of hormonal imbalance and are more prone to mental health disorders than any other demographic. For most women, symptoms come on over a period of time, and in multiple ways, they or their doctors would rarely relate to hormonal imbalance or declining estrogen levels. 

Hormonal imbalance changes who you are, how you behave, and how you see yourself in this world.  

There is a cost to staying in the dark about your hormonal imbalance. 

Your hormones, especially estrogen, send messages to your brain about how and if your body and mind will function, think, and feel. Everything in your body is dependent upon adequate levels of estrogen to function. Without enough of it, your brain and body will think it is time to fall apart and so it begins the process of decline and dysfunction and continues on until you die...unless something is done about it.


9 Things Women Lose To Hormonal Imbalance.

  1. Their Minds — One of the first things affected by hormonal imbalance is the mind of a woman. They actually feel like they are going crazy. (This is the thing women complain about the most when they first come into the clinic.) They lose their ability to think clearly, understand information, make confident and rational decisions, remember things, and experience decreased executive function. They lose the ability to dream of the things they like to do and create those things. They lose motivation and drive. They become depressed and isolated even though others are around.  Most women are on medications to manage their hormonal imbalance-induced mental illnesses, which further affect the mind of a woman.
  2. Their Bodies — When hormones are out of balance and remain out of balance, the body thinks it's time to fall apart so the functionality and structure of the female body deteriorate and become dysfunctional. And the speed and severity of the physical decline depend on how long a woman has been hypoestrogenic.  Muscles, skin, and vaginas shrivel up, hair falls out, gums tissues shrink, dehydration, gut dysbiosis, insulin resistance, constipation, joint pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, fat gain, inability to lose fat, and so on.
  3. Their Friends — Women without hormones are no fun to be with, whether it's you who's out of balance or your friend, and especially both. As women age and their hormones become imbalanced, they tend to spend less and less time with their friends or around other people. With hormonal imbalance comes a lack of desire to socialize, and when you have a group of women who feel the same way, friendships deteriorate and fade away. 
  4. Their Significant Others — Women without estrogen do want sex, do not want to want sex, and do not like to have sex. Their bodies no longer respond to touch and they lose the ability to orgasm. Sex tends to be more of a chore than something they fantasize about. They tend to detach emotionally and physically from their significant others creating a wedge in the relationship. Women without estrogen are argumentative and will fight to be right until the bitter end. They have anger outbursts and are irrational in their way of thinking. It's hard for a person to remain in a relationship with a woman without hormones. Their responses tend to be out of proportion to the situation at hand, and you never know what you're going to get from one minute to the next.
  5. Their Jobs — Women with hormonal imbalances have a hard time keeping down a job because their moods are unpredictable and are more difficult to get along with. They have a difficult time making simple decisions and get overwhelmed easily. They are less of a team player, are inflexible, can't carry out tasks, and have an inability to handle pressure of any kind. With a decline in executive function, they don't offer much in the way of contributing on a creative and problem-solving basis. They tend to be bitter and unwilling to follow directions or rules.  Most will try to avoid working with these women.
  6. Their Loved Ones — One of the side effects of hormonal imbalance is emotional detachment, even with loved ones. Children, to women with hormonal imbalances, are annoying and irritating. The sound of children's voices can make a woman's skin crawl if she's without enough of the right hormones. Family members, children, and even pets find it difficult to be around women who are hormonally out of balance because of emotional detachment, unpredictable mood swings, and inability to cope with everyday life. No home is a happy one without hormones.
  7. Their Dignity — Women with hormonal imbalances have little self-respect, self-esteem, self-worth, or self-confidence. They have mood swings they cannot control and don't like themselves for it. They tend to self-loathe and have a negative internal dialog. They don't understand why they behave the way they do or why they feel the way they do. They just know they feel like crap and are not the person they used to be. They don't blame others for being skeptical of their irrational behavior because they too are skeptical of how they're going to feel or how they will behave moment by moment.  It's hard to have self-respect when you have no control over who you are.
  8. Their Will To Live — Hormonally imbalanced women are depressed, not just a little bit but a lot, and it can get pretty dark. The greater the hormonal imbalance, the greater the depression, anxiety, and overall will to live. Feelings of hopelessness and despair, and thoughts of death and doom take over the day, further detaching from others. It's common for women without enough estrogen to have thoughts of suicide and even homicide and feel ashamed they have those thoughts. They tend to believe that life is not worth living, and completely check out mentally and/or physically with greater intensity over time.
  9. Their Money — It is common for women with a hormonal imbalance to spend a great deal of money trying to feel better. They go from one functional, naturopathic, and conventional medicine practitioner to the next. They are prescribed drugs, supplements, surgeries, and other "treatments" to manage their symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but no one is restoring the depleted hormones so they remain hormonally out of balance. It is a costly exercise wheel of disease management. In addition to spending money on healthcare, women with hormonal imbalances tend to spend too much money on things they do not need just to try to feel good for a moment. Women with hormonal imbalances tend to feel the sense of a loss of control over their lives and spending money gives a false sense of being in control. It's a fleeting sensation.

It is not cheap to live with hormonal imbalances, and as you can see, the cost is quite high. It is significantly more cost-effective to get your hormones balanced than to stay out of balance. 

It saddens me to hear the stories of patients over the years and what they went through trying to get their hormones balanced. But it is also rewarding to see these same women transform into their authentic selves and experience happiness again as they reach their Hormone Sweet Spot.

Hormonal balance: priceless.


If you are tired of losing your money, jobs, people, body, and mind, due to hormonal imbalance I encourage you to participate in my signature hormone balancing program Balance Your Hormones. You deserve to be happy and feel good most of the time for no real good reason.




Borrow AP, Cameron NM. Estrogenic mediation of serotonergic and neurotrophic systems: implications for female mood disorders. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Oct 3;54:13-25. 

Payne JL. The role of estrogen in mood disorders in women. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2003 Aug;15(3):280-90.

Tiidus PM, Lowe DA, Brown M. Estrogen replacement and skeletal muscle: mechanisms and population health. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2013;115(5):569-578.



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